In Greek mythology, Ouranus, God of the Sky mates with Gaia, Goddess of the Earth and fathers many offspring whom he imprisons deep underground. Gaia, upset over the mistreatment of her children, fashions a flint sickle and convinces her youngest son, the Titan Cronus, to subdue his father. He ambushes Ouranus as he lays with Gaia, and castrates him.
Cronus fathers his own children, including Zeus who eventually rises up against him, castrating him in turn.
Which is kinda a interesting story because, I mean, it's enthrallingly fucked up, isn't it? The whole castration thing is a strange non-sequitur. Most creations myths have at least a kernel of realism to them, but the whole idea of Aphrodite springing fully formed from the severed testicles of Cronus is quite a to speak. I think it highlights the importance even the ancient minds placed on the concept of testicles as the sources of masculine power...but I'm no philosopher.
Kratos is the son of Zeus, and deposes him quite violently in the God of War games - which to be honest, I've never actually played as my old-man reflexes are not up to it. But the character concept art of bearded Kratos is hot, so I wanted to try my hand at making some fanart. I'm actually reasonably pleased by the result...I think shading was easier due to Kratos' ashen skin tone. Also I kinda enjoyed trying to figure out exactly where Kratos' new tattoo should go.
I just wonder if your average gamer is aware of the Ouranus-Cronus-Zeus repetition of history and what it implies for the Ghost of Sparta...