What seems like a life-time ago, I stumbled on the story "Deadwood" by the author Tripwire. I was a very young man at the time and to this day I think it altered (damaged?) my formative mind. The level of description was so evocative, the anatomical accuracy so detailed that it stuck in my mind like a pick axe...so much so I guess it was inevitable that I'd have to try to illustrate it one day.
The story is so grotesque, so terrifying and yet so compelling that the imagery remains with me still. As a man, imagine seeing your balls, the very core of your masculinity, the centre of your manhood in a jar. Separated, even alien in appearance, no longer part of you, filling your veins with strength and arousal.
Over even weirder yet, what about if the testicles were not your own, but the instead were the set that created you, the engines of the seed from which you sprang and so similar in fact to your own that hang reassuringly heavy between your legs. I don't think there's a man alive who wouldn't consider the idea a mindfuck.
Artist's notes:
I'm trying a new shading method which is "simpler" and more cartoony. I...kinda like it but am unsure if it qualifies as an improvement.
As a sidenote - I've received quite few requests and comments through my email. To the guys who've sent positive thoughts, it is much appreciated. I love hearing from you. I am planning on trying to fulfil some of the requests but my process is snail-like and I don't have as much time to devote to this as I'd like, so your patience if much appreciated.