I drew something for a story by Danny Perkasa who makes me wish I could read Indonesian. Story can be found here.
Artist's notes:
The pandemic continues to be cray-cray and real life is a clusterfuck of stress. I did however have the chance to draw the above...I did a nose shape which I've never really done before and I quite like it. I feel like there is so much to learn. For example, I find I am still struggling with hair (including body hair). I'm not really happy with how I've done it here, but it works for now.
The composition is admittedly one I've had in my head for awhile and is not really that original. I feel the compulsion to keep tinkering with it, replacing the taser with an assortment of other implements...but I feel this would be stagnating and if you're standing still you might as well be going backwards.